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Our goal is it to convert the optimal connection of ecological and economic aspects as well as of functionality and architectural organization with construction of buildings. Consistently we set for the realization of our projects on our unique innovative and economical construction system. With a large attention we observed and converted world wide construction trends by us. By using the newest construction and building technologies we are always „up to date“.
We consult and supply exclusively to contracting companies, building associations, house-building companies that either support proprietors or who want to erect their houses through their personal contributions, construction firms and contractors that want to utilize our material in record-time and highest quality building constructions. (Single and multifamily housing, commercial and industrial construction). Please call our International Hotline +49 561 57 983 989 or contact the office in Dubai for further information.
We hope you can win some good impressions from our Website and wish you a pleasant stay by mercado-house.com.