Send to us your sketches

Here you have the possibility of sending to us your conceptions and desires regarding your building project with our Upload form see below. It is released to you whether it us to come leave a picture (Format for example JPEG, GIF, PNG), a PDF-document or a DOC-file (Microsoft Word etc.).


Describe to us your request and add you the message an attachment at the point Attachments by click the button Browse and open your locally stored file.All with [ * ] marked fields are obligation fields. Our data security references you will find here.

optional questions

1. You are interested as a(n) ...

2. When do you like to build your project?

3. Wich kind of project you have?

Your sketches and pictures [ * ]

maximum size: 10MB
recommended formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, DOC, PDF, ZIP, RAR.


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